Lost Passwords

Forgot your password?

This page allows Rocky Mountain Region 8 members to "reset password" via a link that is automatically emailed to a registered Region 8 member email address.

This service is available only to members with email addresses. For other members, please email the Region 8 webmaster.

To have your login details emailed to you:

  1. Fill in your email address below
  2. Click on the Reset password button
  3. If the details you entered are correct, a "reset password" link will be emailed to you instantly with an auto-generated password
  4. Check your email for the message

If you would like to set your own password, you can change your password after you've logged in: At the very top of the site, hover your mouse over your name, and then click Change my password.

If you have too many failed attempts to login or reset your password, the website will time out. For more help please contact the Region 8 Communications Coordinator at communication@rmr8.org or the Region 8 webmaster at webmaster@rmr8.org


Email address: